Monday 26 November 2007

Feilx's School Photo!

When Mummy picked Felix up from school today he had his school photo and was terribly proud and carried it all the way home.

(Well actually, he carried it until we went to the bakery when he promptly passed it to Mummy so he could nibble on some baguette.)

Friday 23 November 2007

F&A - The bond grows.

So the bond between little Astrid and her big brother grows as evident above with 6 week old Astrid looking adoringly up at her big brother Felix.

From his side, a day hasn't passed yet where Felix hasn't said "I love Astrid" and smothered her with kisses.

And so far (touch wood) he has been nothing but gentle and loving towards her (although he has had a few more frequent naughty moments with Mummy & Daddy).

Yes I can see these two getting up to lots of mischief together!

But I think little Miss Astrid will have some snoozes before they get into too much mischief together!

Sunday 18 November 2007

The Blue Tiger.

We went shopping this morning for little 'pink things' and to keep Felix entertained he had his face painted.

As a tiger!

A very scary blue tiger.

Pretty cool huh? Well until it was time to clean the tigers face ... thanks Daddy!

Bye bye tiger!

Saturday 17 November 2007

Raffy's b'day lunch.

Today we visited Isabella & Raffy and their folks to celebrate Raffy's 1st Birthday.

Although in typical toddler fashion Felix & Isabella stole the limelight from the wee-ones and it seemed to be more of the
Felix & Isabella show ...

... or should I say
Peter Pan & the Pussycat.

Needless to say there were yummy things to eat - and of course Felix didn't hold himself back!

Astrid, seemed oblivious to all the chaos that Felix & Isabella were causing with their squeals of joy (and frustration).

Even through musical statues she was pretty chilled!

And what a spectacular statue Peter Pan made!

And oh, what a little treasure (and a proud Mummy!).

And yes some more sleeping from the angel!

Hope you had a great 1st B'day Raffy!

Thursday 15 November 2007


There was much excitement today when Astrid's new Bugaboo Chameleon arrived.

The Boys quickly stepped into action putting the Bugaboo together, with some help from the manual.

Felix enjoyed helping Daddy and promptly showed off his muscles ...

... and he checked out the Bugaboo steering.

Excellent steering was the verdict!

Of course Astrid was the first to go for a spin (around the apartment).

Yes I think there will be heated debates 'chez nous' on who gets to push the Bugaboo!

But who could blame us?

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Sleeping Beauty.

So it seems young Astrid has found her favourite evening 'snooze' spot - on Mummy or Daddy's shoulder.

She has no interest in her basinet of an evening and even if sound asleep will open her eyes immediately placed in the basinet.

Needless to say this causes a bit of angst at dinner time - although we are fast learning how to eat one handed with bub-in-arms. (Maybe we should train up big brother Felix)

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Making Cookies.

Felix decided he wanted to make cookies today.

So cookies we made ... or rather, the boys made.

We were short a few kitchen items but it's amazing how multi purpose a bottle of french wine can be.

Daddy was armed with his sugar ... needless to say we nicknamed him Sugar Daddy!

Thanks to Aunty Ash (who sent some Aussie cookie cutters), we made some kookaburras, koalas, kangaroos, echidnas, frilled neck lizards & platypus.

And just like any high class chef, Felix enjoy some tastings along the way!

And once the taste was just right the cookies were ready for baking!

Some 20 long minutes later the cookies were ready!

Now which one to have?

The Kangaroo.

I think we'll be making cookies again sometime soon!

Monday 12 November 2007

Astrid - 1 month old.

Astrid is one month old today - incredible. It seems like 5 minutes ago we were racing to the hospital to deliver her. And yet it seems like a lifetime ago. We're so intensely caught up in the juggling of feedings, nappies, brothers, and chores that we can't really fathom a time when she wasn't around.

How can one delightful little bundle bring such chaos? The painful chaos of suddenly being 4 when before we were 3, and the blissful chaos of once again feeling totally, utterly in love with a newborn, and she can't even smile yet!

Thank you little Miss A, for turning our world upside down, and our hearts inside out.

A blissed out, burnt out Daddy.

Sunday 11 November 2007

Autumn Colours.

A weary mood swept into our apartment this Sunday morning so we decided to counter act it and head out for breakfast alfresco.

So after rugging everyone up we set off for Parc Montsouris.

Which was abundant with leaves and beautiful autumn colours.

We choose a lovely spot beside the lake for our pain au chocolats.

As did the geese & ducks, who were very hopeful of getting a little taste of our petit dejeuner.

But they soon realised they would have to look elsewhere.


So being free to eat in peace we decided to admire all the beautiful autumn colours of the park...

Brown hues...

Red hues...

And yellow hues.

Beautiful enough to put smiles on everyone's faces again.

Although for a wee while we couldn't quite find young Astrid (there she is under her ice-cream hat!).

She was lucky enough to have a lovely 2.5 hour afternoon nap!