Sunday 27 April 2008

The Burbs.

Well we safely made it to Australia. Both the kiddies were remarkably good on the flight and it was only the last 6 hours that were difficult
(for everyone). Young Felix didn't sleep at all on the second leg - THIRTEEN HOURS and of course that meant Mummy didn't either. We were shattered when we arrived but thankfully Aunty Kim, Uncle Barrie and Nanna Carole helped us get over the jetlag. Phew. We laid pretty low the first week or so mainly catching up with family, in the burbs of Sydney with K&B, our fabulous hosts.

Saturday 12 April 2008

There's a baby girl 'chez nous' who is 6 months old today (hard to believe but true).

She's now up and into her walker like a big girl and getting more and more dexterous with those lovely long fingers.

And the good news, is she is starting to eat baby rice this week. Just a few teaspoons but food nonetheless.

And of course, the love of her life is still her big brother Felix who makes her laugh and laugh.

What little cherubs!

Thursday 10 April 2008

The mouth of babes...

"Daddy my tummy's sore because you gave me too much pain au chocolat"

"No Felix your tummy's sore because you ate all the pain au chocolat"

"No Daddy you gave me the big one"

"No Felix you
ate it, your tummy's sore because you ate too much"

"NO! Daddy that's a fib, you shouldn't say fibs. My tummy's sore because you gave me a big pain au chocolat"

He's destined for politics our son. All hail the future prime minister...

(Thought I'd sneak in some photos of Mummy and the kids taken from Daddy's iPhone)

Saturday 5 April 2008

Astrid's food journey begins.

It was a big day in our house today ... Astrid had her first taste of food.

Which of course took her by surprise... (or rather by shock)

For a moment it looked like she was curious and maybe a little keen?

But no ... she was not the slightest bit interested in carrots.

The journey continues.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

The shadow of the tour.

It was a somewhat warm spring day today so we set off for a playdate with Oscar at the little playground near the Eiffel Tower.

Felix had a play on the train...

... whilst Astrid kept a very close eye on her big brother.

Then who arrived? Oscar!

The boys had lots of fun running here and there.

And after the playing they had some rides on the carousel.

Gossiping away on the way
(of course).

The shadow of the Eiffel Tower isn't really a bad spot for a playdate is it?