Tuesday 30 September 2008

Happy Birthday Ben & Alice.

Birthday season has officially kicked off in Paris with Alice and Ben's Party (brother and sister born a day apart!).

Everyone had great fun with the presents...

New toys to play with...

Pretty dresses...

And fun party hats...


And catch up chats for the parents.

Ooops and maybe there was a bit of champagne too!

Friday 26 September 2008

Time to go home!

All good holidays must come to an end and after we had spent a couple of weeks in the States it was time to return to Paris.

Alas we discovered our flight was delayed - but luckily they had a little play area for the kiddies (don't you love the States).

As usual Astrid just wanted to be doing what Felix was doing.

Even Mummy was in on the action with the spnky fireman (ok, we had a lot of time to kill!).

Bye Bye USA. See you sometime again soon!

Mummy and Felix.

Sometimes Mummy and Daddy divide and conquer with the kiddies.

So one morning Mummy and Felix set off for the park whilst Astrid had her nap.

Strangely enough near the park we discovered huge bear footprints...

But we couldn't see any bears anywhere (luckily).

So instead we had some fun instead.

It was a really great morning toegther for Mummy and Felix.

Now if only we could find those bears!

Walking, walking, walking.

We did loads of walking whilst in Chicago and in fact whilst we were in the States.

And whilst in Chicago Mummy fell in love with the houses ... aren't they just gorgeous!

Thursday 25 September 2008

Oz Park.

Whilst in Chicago we spent lots of time at Oz Park which celebrates 'The Wizard of Oz' theme (the author used to live close by). Dorothy’s Playlot is filled with play equipment for the little ones to climb, swing, and run. There's the Emerald Garden and when you arrive you are greeted by statues of the Tin Man, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, and everyone’s favorite: Dorothy & Toto. It was a pretty cool place to hang out!

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Lincoln Park Zoo.

Whilst Mummy was off doing her Photography Workshop in Chicago, Felix, Astrid and Daddy went to the Lincoln Park Zoo.

There were lots of animals to see...

And different ways to explore the Zoo...

Gorillas to see...

And white monkeys too.

They had great fun telling Mummy all about it when she came home later that day!

(Hmmmm...maybe Mummy should have gone with them...poor Astrid!)

Visiting Lucy.

We visited the gorgeous Lucy and her family whilst we were in Chicago for a spectacular feast.

Felix and Lucy had such fun together running a riot together...

And were little monkeys together ... Mummy's just disappointed she didn't take more photos! Especially of our park outtings together. Sorry Aunty Kim!!

Tuesday 23 September 2008

More fun at Navy Pier.

One of the other great things at Navy Pier is the Merry Go Round with lots of fabulous animals.

Of course Felix opted for the Lion and he was pretty excited!!!

Astrid on the other hand was a little more reserved...

Ok, she was worried poor little thing!

But it didn't take her long to get into it!

Daddy and Felix then had great fun on the Falling Lighthouse...

Again Astrid was a little concerned that her big brother and Daddy were going to be ok!

So we went bakc on the Merry Go Round ... for more fun!

Buy this stage the little 11 month old was getting into the spirit of it all.

And loving it!

And the afternoon finished up with some Halloween fun.

It was lots of fun and highly recommended if you are in Chicago!