Monday 23 February 2009

Mummy's muse

Well it's school holidays which means I have both the kiddies at home...

It also means I have another little muse to play with.

Classic comment from cheeky little monkey Felix the other day...

"Mummy I don't mind if you take photos, just not too many".

Well I am a Mummy and WE ALL take loads of photos don't we.In fact I seem to know a few Bon Papas and Grandads who took a few photos in their day too!

Tuesday 30 December 2008


Whilst we were in Brittany we also visited Vitré.

Home of the Gardan ancestors.

It was another FREEZING day (Astrid is in the pram somewhere).

Nevertheless it was a fabulous little town to walk around.

Especially when we popped in for the local specialty - galletes (savoury crepes) and cider!! Yumm-ee!

Monday 29 December 2008

Santa faces

Just another little image from our day in St Malo... the boys being Santa.

Sunday 28 December 2008

The hidden park at St Malo.

Whilst wandering the streets of St Malo we stumbled upon a little kiddie playground.

Felix was thrilled...

Mummy and Daddy were a little chilly however - the weather was glacial!

Even Felix was a little cold despite the running...

But he had loads of fun...

Not a bad spot really!

St Malo.

After lunch we went for a little stroll around the streets in St Malo.

Terribly pretty but so icy cold.

A little treat helped warm Felix and Daddy.

Felix spotted 'our family' in a shop window display - only thing was, Astrid was still in Mummy's tummy!

And then some crazed seagull nearly whisked poor Felix away!

But luckily for us he didn't get very far.

And before long it was time to hop back in the car and head back to our little abode.

Lunch at St Malo.

So we have been hit by some super cold front here in France ... and what's worse is poor Bon Papa's hotel's heating system has broken down...

But despite the cold we set off for the beautiful St Malo today. First stop - a seafood lunch!

Fortunately for us they actually had a high chair for Little A (a novel change to Paris).

Felix decided to take some snaps of everyone (just like Mummy does!).

By which stage we were feeling content with thanks to a delicious lunch!

Ok and maybe a glass or two of wine.

Saturday 27 December 2008

The perfect car entertainment.

Looking for a good entertainment for a one year old in a car? Try reindeer antlers.

Works a treat and saw us through many hours of driving around Brittany.

Did I mention they have little bells on them that sound just like sleigh bells! Too cute!

The cherubs....

Oh the struggles Mummy has to get a decent photo of our two cherubs.

If there aren't spoons in mouths...

... then there are cranky little ones that aren't fond of brotherly hugs.

If it's not the cheesy smile...

It's one that looks away...

Yes I think maybe I am best to keep taking photos of other people's kiddies!

Friday 26 December 2008

Christmas Day on the beach.

Like all true aussies we spent Christmas afternoon at the beach at Dinard.

Only thing was it was FREEZING!

But it was lovely to have some fresh seaside air...

And it certainly was a pretty little town - kinda like Whale Beach.

So after a quick visit...

It was time to head back to the car to warm up...

Before we froze!