Friday 29 February 2008

Off to Montsouris.

We zipped up to Parc Montsouris the other afternoon to have some fun outdoors (and to take this year's photo with the 'Pelouse au repose' sign)....

We looked at trains...

And then bumped into Felix's best friend from school - Alice!

They had great fun playing together and the good news is Alice goes there each afternoon.

Something to look forward to next week!

Oh yes and of course the baby angel was with us very much enjoying watching all the big kids playing.

(Yes and that is another new hat - she just keeps outgrowing them too quickly!)

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Wriggly Worm.

It's school holidays again - thus the low profile. Trying to keep the two kiddies entertained indoors whilst it rains outdoors - thus the wriggly worms on the floor!! It's been a long week - and it is only Tuesday!!

Saturday 23 February 2008

The princess.

The good news is that the wee princess of the family is feeling better after the chicken pox and is getting back in the swing of baby stuff. She has taken to squealing this week and has a new fetish for her feet desperately trying to pull on her socks. She is still pretty chilled and is terribly mesmerized by her big brother. Aahhh...sibling love!

Saturday 16 February 2008

Bubble blowing.

Felix and Mummy went bubble blowing the other wintery afternoon.

We each had turns blowing the bubbles ...

Felix also tried to pop them with his lips!

It was great fun (until Mummy had to blow them for all the other kids too and Felix promptly decided it was time to leave!).

Thursday 14 February 2008

Our Chicken Pop!

Poor little Astrid is finally getting over her Chicken Pops and is getting back to her usual self. Although both Daddy and Mummy think she is making up for lost time on the growing front - fast getting out of 6 month clothes. She really seems to be growing overnight at the moment.

And her new trick ... standing up - well whilst Mummy holds her up next to Felix! She loves it!

Sunday 10 February 2008

Rock Climbing.

Our young Felix has been a bit 'difficult' recently so today we took him to his fave park - George Brassens.

It was a gorgeous sunny Parisian day and as you can see EVERYONE was out and about!

The best thing Felix loves about the George Brassens park is he can go rock climbing.

It's a bit daunting for Mummy and Daddy as there are always a few rather precarious moments where he gets his balances.

But it was smiles all over (and phew no accidents!)

He was having so much fun poor little pet didn't want to leave afterwards!

Monday 4 February 2008

Sunday Drives.

So after the running around at the Mairie, as promised Felix had some fun on the Manège.

Being Sunday afternoon there were lots of other 'little people' driving, riding and being driven.

Only things was Felix couldn't choose between the yellow car and the pink one!

Gotta love the Florida number plate!

Sunday 3 February 2008

Sunday orders.

We went out this afternoon for what was supposed to be a fun afternoon at the park
near our local Mairie (townhall).

But en route Felix decided to play on the ramp leading up to the Mairie rather than playing at the park.

The game involved lots of running up and down (with Leonardo) and some surprise peekaboos...

Although young Felix was giving the orders about where exactly we should be running.

Then after the little detour we set off for a ride on the manège.

Again with Felix leading the way. Don't you just love bossy 3 year olds!

Saturday 2 February 2008

Daddy & his baby angel.

This is Mummy's favourite photo of Astrid and her Daddy. And you would never believe it but just moments after, we were getting Astrid dressed ... we discovered she now has Chicken Pox. Ugg!

Friday 1 February 2008

Back to school (phew!).

So our little prince went back to school this week, so it seems we are back in the swing of things again.

Just quietly I think we all breathed a sigh of relief - Felix was happy to be back at school, Astrid enjoyed having Mummy to herself, Mummy luckily had some downtime...

... and Daddy was thrilled to have a happy family again!

Back to it everyone!