Sunday 28 December 2008

Lunch at St Malo.

So we have been hit by some super cold front here in France ... and what's worse is poor Bon Papa's hotel's heating system has broken down...

But despite the cold we set off for the beautiful St Malo today. First stop - a seafood lunch!

Fortunately for us they actually had a high chair for Little A (a novel change to Paris).

Felix decided to take some snaps of everyone (just like Mummy does!).

By which stage we were feeling content with thanks to a delicious lunch!

Ok and maybe a glass or two of wine.

1 comment:

Bon Papa said...

Now... on some photos (and we do admire Sarah's skill in cathing "the moment") both Daddy and Bon Papa give the impression of being very high (read sloshed) on celebrating the fact that it was the first time that five Gardans were congregating in Saint Malo since 1940...
Aunty Cailtin came with Bon Papa in April 2009 though, but they were somewhat "fragile" after a trip to Morlaix and could not celebrate in style...
Goes to show....