Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Sleeping Beauty.

So it seems young Astrid has found her favourite evening 'snooze' spot - on Mummy or Daddy's shoulder.

She has no interest in her basinet of an evening and even if sound asleep will open her eyes immediately placed in the basinet.

Needless to say this causes a bit of angst at dinner time - although we are fast learning how to eat one handed with bub-in-arms. (Maybe we should train up big brother Felix)


Life with Lyla said...

She's changed so much already! Looks so big.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Daddy remembers back in the day when he used to come home drunk and pass out blissfully on mummy's shoulder in the exact same way.

The only difference is Astrid's milk breath is a lot sweeter than daddy's kebab and guiness one...

Anonymous said...

Aint that the truth!