Friday, 7 December 2007

Astrid and the Horse Show.

The Paris Horse Show is on at the moment so on Friday 'the girls' set off for a day with the horses.

And not just any horses, but the most beautiful horses in the world.

The main event of the day was the judging of the Arab Horse Championships.

And being horsey fans, both Carole and Mummy were in absolute heaven ...

Whilst little Astrid seemed quite content just having a lunchtime snooze!

Little did she know what she was missing out on!

But she seemed content enough snoozing with some cuddles thrown in.

No doubt there will be another trip to the show with young Felix in tow!


Life with Lyla said...

Wow I'm so envious of the girls' day out!

And L O V E the last photo with Carol and Astrid :)

Anonymous said...

me too...don't you think Carol's eyes in this photo look like Felix does sometimes...I do

SarahInSydney said...

Yes there is a certain Felix & Carole resemblance!
