Sunday, 3 February 2008

Sunday orders.

We went out this afternoon for what was supposed to be a fun afternoon at the park
near our local Mairie (townhall).

But en route Felix decided to play on the ramp leading up to the Mairie rather than playing at the park.

The game involved lots of running up and down (with Leonardo) and some surprise peekaboos...

Although young Felix was giving the orders about where exactly we should be running.

Then after the little detour we set off for a ride on the manège.

Again with Felix leading the way. Don't you just love bossy 3 year olds!


Anonymous said...

The photos of Felix running and holding Leonardo are fabulous !
Bravo Mummy !

Anonymous said...

just logged on to say the same thing Bon papa - just brilliant! xx

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful darling, at this rate you'll be shooting the cover of Vanity Fair in December.