Friday, 12 September 2008

The kiddies...

Oh the kiddies .... aren't they cute. I have to say its still that lovely stage when they still just adore each other.

All Felix has to do is walk into the room and Astrid just beams.

Felix is convinced that when he gets bigger he is going to marry Astrid.

And apparently, they are going to have a baby .... hmmmm .... when should we tell him it's actually against the law?

But in the meantime it just melts Mummy's heart.

They are the picture of sweetness together!


chezluka said...

Awww, so cute! So Felix doesn't beat Astrid around the head like Luka does to Sebastien on a daily basis? What am I doing wrong?! He promises me he still loves him tho'!!

Life with Lyla said...

Does he actually say I'm going to marry her?!?!?!

I can't believe how big Astrid is! She's almost walking!
And is that the biggest drool in the world in the second last photo!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for popping in ladies and yes K, Felix sure does say he is going to marry Astrid and for some reason is super gentle with her (so no Ash he doesn't beat her up, maybe its a girl boy dynamic??).

I'm sure this will change though....